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Share some Technology Architect E20-542 exam questions and answers below. Which legacy TimeFinder technologies are supported by TimeFinder SnapVX emulation mode? A. Mirror, Clone, VP Snap B. Mirror, Clone, Snap C. Mirror, VP Snap, Snap D. Clone, VP Snap, Snap Answer: A
A customer has production and disaster recovery VMAX3 arrays. There is limited bandwidth between the sites. The amount of data which will be replicated by using SRDF to the disaster recovery site is slightly more than the available bandwidth allows. Which action is needed to accommodate the customer’s need? A. Install an optional compression module B. Enable the compression license C. Enable compression on the RA Director D. Enable the Fast Write feature on the SRDF Group Answer: A
Where will TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot deltas be stored on a VMAX3 array? A. Storage Resource Pool B. Dedicated Target Device C. Reserved LUN Pool D. Array Cache Answer: A
A customer wants to configure a large SRDF deployment between two VMAX3 arrays. The customer has many different applications and workloads. They want to separate each into its own SRDF group. What is the maximum number of SRDF groups this configuration will support? A. 64 B. 96 C. 184 D. 250 Answer: D
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