Share some Implementation Engineer E20-393 exam questions and answers below.
When defining which resources on the destination system the replicated item will use for an asynchronous session, which settings must be provided?
A. Replication Mode, RPO, and Replicate To
B. Name, Pool, and Storage Processor
C. Ethernet Port, Subnet/Prefix Length, and Gateway
D. Management IP Address, User Name, and Password
Answer: A
On which systems is Quality of Service available?
A. Physical Unity systems only
B. UnityVSA systems only
C. Physical Unity and UnityVSA systems
D. All Flash Unity systems only
Answer: D
In UnityVSA, what is the maximum storage capacity offered by the WOLslicense?
A. 4TB
B. 10TB
C. 25TB
D. 50TB
Answer: D
Which Unity feature provides a high bandwidth connection for large file transfers, enables proactive Service Request generation and usage license reporting, and operates on a 24x7 basis?
A. EMC Service Center
B. Software Licensing Central
C. Unisphere Central
D. EMC Secure Remote Services
Answer: D
When the LUN Snapshot Attach to Host operation is performed, what does theUnity system optionally do before beginning the attach process?
A. Creates a snapshot of the LUN
B. Detaches the host from the snapshots of any other LUN
C. Creates a copy of the snapshot
D. Deletes all other existing snapshots of the LUN
Answer: C
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