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Share some Storage Administrator (EMCSA) E20-562 exam questions and answers below. Which protocol does the service laptop use to communicate with and maintain an EMC VPLEX environment? A. SSH B. SNMP C. Telnet D. UDP Answer: D
Using the Storage Volume expansion method for virtual volumes built on RAID-1 or distributed RAID-1 devices, what is the maximum number of initialization processes that can run concurrently, percluster? A. 100 B. 250 C. 500 D. 1000 Answer: D
What is required before a host can detect the virtual volumes presented by the VPLEX? A. Virtual volumes can only be detected after a reboot B. RAID configuration must be enabled for Virtual volumes C. EZ Provisioning wizard must be run on the host D. Host must initiate a bus-scan of the HBAs Answer: D
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Share some CCNP Collaboration 300-080 exam questions and answers below. How does an IP Phone react upon initilization, if there is no CTL and ITL files present on the device? A. The phone downloads only the files that are signed to that device. B. The phone blindly trusts the next series of downloaded files. C. The file matches the signature against the files on TFTP. D. The phone displays the message, Unprovisioned. Answer: D
You are troubleshooting video quality issues on a Cisco TelePresence TX9000 Series system. Which CLI command shows the total number of lost video packets and the received jitter during a call in progress? A. show call statistics video B. show call statistics all C. show call statistics detail D. show call statistics video detail Answer: D
A user using a CP-9971 SIP phone reports that during a video call, the video portion of the call freezes. What should you do in order to point to and troubleshoot the issue? A. Restart the phone. B. On the phone, navigate to Administrator Settings > Status > Call Statistics > Video > Video statistics > Rcvr Packets statistics. Verify if the phone is receiving packets. C. Make sure that the camera is connected to the USB. D. Verify if the camera shutter is open. E. Perform a factory reset of the phone. Answer: B
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Share some Cisco Network Programmability Design and Implementation Specialist 300-550 exam questions and answers below. An organization leverages a multivendor network to sell connectivity services using Layer 3 VPN and VPLS. Where possible, the organization wants to use common APis across vendors, in order to automate the configuration of network services. Which technology should the organization consider for the southbound interface? A. BGP-LS B. OpFlex C. OpenFlow D. NETCONF E. PCEP Answer: D
Which network configuration protocol uses JSON as a data representation format? A. NETCONE B. SOAP C. RESTCONF D. HTML Answer: B
Which two network configuration protocols use XML as a data representation format? (Choose two.) A. NETCONF B. CORBA C. TOSGA D. SNMP E. RESTCONF Answer: BC
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Share some HCNA-Cloud H13-511-ENU exam questions and answers below. What are the main functions of FusionAccess? (Multiple choice) A. assets management, manage the relationship between user and virtual machine B. user access, users can view and operate their own virtual machine C. Desktop transmission, using a virtual machine through desktop link protocol D. resource scheduling, manage and schedule cloud platform computing, storage resources Answer: ABC
Which of the following problem is not what a traditional data processing systems face? A. high storage costs B. network bandwidth is insufficient C. single data source D. under large data volume, lack of data-processing performance Answer: B
Which of the following are not VRM components of FusionCompute? A. BRM B. PMS C. LOG D. VNA Answer: D
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Share some CCNP Collaboration 300-075 exam questions and answers below. If delegated credentials checking has been enabled and remote workers can register to the VCS Expressway, which statement is true? A. H.323 message credential checks are delegated. B. SIP registration proxy mode is set to On in the VCS Expressway. C. A secure neighbor zone has been configured between the VCS Expressway and the VCS Control. D. SIP registration proxy mode is set to Off in the VCS Expressway. Answer: D
You want to avoid unnecessary interworking in Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server, such as where a call between two H.323 endpoints is made over SIP, or vice versa. Which setting is recommended? A. H.323 - SIP interworking mode. Reject B. H.323 - SIP interworking mode. On C. H.323 - SIP interworking mode. Registered only D. H.323 - SIP interworking mode. Off E. H.323 - SIP interworking mode. Variable Answer: C
Which two options are configuration steps on Cisco Unified Communications Manager that are used when integrating with VCS Expressway servers? (Choose two.) A. allowing numeric dialing from Cisco phones to Expressway B. configuring a device pool with video feature enabled C. allowing dialing to Expressway domain from Cisco phones D. creating an application user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager with assigned privileges E. adding the Expressway servers to the Application Servers list Answer: A,C
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Share some HCDA H12-211-ENU exam questions and answers below. A company to apply for a Class C IP addresses, but to be assigned to six subsidiary companies, one of the largest subsidiaries have 26 computers. Different subsidiary must be in different network segment, the subnet mask should be set to ( ). A. B. C. D. Answer: D
Which of the following commands is to set the PPP authentication mode to PAP? A. ppp pap B. ppp chap C. ppp authentication-mode pap D. ppp authentication-mode chap Answer: C
An error occurred when customers access to the FTP server, checked and found the connectivity between the server and the client is no problem, which server port is blocked that may be a problem caused?(select 2 answers) A. 21 B. 80 C. 20 D. 50649 Answer: AC
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Share some CCNA Cloud 210-455 exam questions and answers below. How many policies are required by Cisco UCS Director to provision VMs? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 Answer: B
Which option describes the main purpose of the stack designers in Cisco Prime Service Catalog? A. Design the topology to deploy Cisco Prime Service Catalog. B. Automate IT as a service configurations. C. Design application as a service. D. Design VM Services. Answer: C
Which option lists the four possible indicators of relative severity listed from the most to least severe? A. red, orange, yellow, blue B. critical, warning, error, info C. blue, yellow, orange, red D. info, error, warning, critical Answer: A
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Share some CCNA Cloud 210-451 exam questions and answers below. What are the five specific characteristics common to the Cloud environments? A. on-demand usage, ubiquitous access, multi-tenancy, measured usage, resiliency B. on-demand usage, ubiquitous access, tiered-tenancy, measured usage, resiliency C. on-demand usage, autonomous access, multi-tenancy, measured usage, resiliency D. dynamic usage, ubiquitous access, multi-tenancy, measured usage, resiliency Answer: A
Which option is one essential characteristic of Cloud computing? A. It must use virtualization. B. It must provide load balancing services. C. It must provide on-demand self service. D. It must run on open source software. Answer: C
Which best describes a Cloud deployment model that relies on interoperability between Cloud providers? A. Hybrid Cloud B. Multi-Cloud C. InterCloud D. Community Cloud Answer: C
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Share some HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU exam questions and answers below. About VoIP features, which of the following description is correct? A. the transmission medium is PSTN network; the switching mode is circuit-switched; the bandwidth utilization is high B. the transmission medium is IP network, the switching mode is packet switching, and the bandwidth utilization is high C. the transmission medium is IP network, the switching mode is packet switching, and the bandwidth utilization is low D. the transmission medium is PSTN network; the switching mode is circuit switched; the bandwidth utilization is low Answer: B
In the following types of cards, which can provide U1960 docking PSTN function? A. SCU B. ASI C. MRS D. OSU Answer: D
The following about automated Attendant service, which is correct? A. Configuring Auto Attendant can only use the script that the system comes with B. Automated Attendant script can be edited C. the greetings that are access to the meeting can not be customized D. a voice channel is capable of storing a plurality of voice Answer: B
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Share some IBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist C9010-262 exam questions and answers below. How is the 19 inch PCIe Gen3 I/O Expansion Drawer connected on POWER8 systems? A. PCle x8 SR-IOV adapter B. PCIe Gen3 Infiniband adapter C. GX++ bus D. Optical CXP Converter adapter Answer: D
Which P0WER8 processor feature was announced to deliver balanced system performance? A. Energy Scale Technology B. TPMD (Thermal Power Management Device) C. Level 4 (L4) cache D. 20 partitions per core Answer: C
Which component of IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack allows clients to automate how they build, deploy, and manage their infrastructure? A. Chef B. Nova C. Neutron D. Cinder Answer: A
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